Friday, August 1, 2008

Project One - Digital Photograpy

* The first picture is of an electrical power line with fishing tackle tangled all around it while the second picture is more obvious; a tree wearing headphones. My objective is the relation of how technology is interfering with nature.. the cause and effects and the negative aspects of it all yet making it humorous.

*The third picture and forth picture are about producing new ways of energy, natural energy. The light bulb is completely out of its element which makes it a comical perspective on a very important matter.  I wanted people to look at the saving the planet and reducing our dependency on oil and such as a positive one, to not get caught up in the hopeless politics of it all and focus on truly wanting to help make our planet a better place for everyone.

*The last two pictures are focused on the idea of boundaries, each picture is a depiction of a non-concrete or temporary boundary. Visible yet invisible.  This is such a vague statement you could really apply this to many subjects, i just left it open.  Although one idea i did come up with and hope to eventually base a project around is the idea of the boundaries in our minds or that which we create as human beings. (socially, mentally, physically)

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